Take a thrilling and mindful tour of the present moment with Micki Fine, originator of the organization Mindful Living, and discover how being present in the moment lets us fully occupy our lives and open ourselves to life’s experiences. Here’s the place for you to be. (First of two.)

December 18, 2018

A Fine Moment For Us All

Take a thrilling and mindful tour of the present moment with Micki Fine, originator of the organization Mindful Living, and discover how being present in the moment lets us fully occupy our lives and open ourselves to life’s experiences. Here’s the place for you to be. (First of two.)
September 2, 2018

Tia Norman’s Joy Juggernaut

In hot pursuit of twenty-first century life experience, intentionality in living, and other engaging topics to make a difference in your quality of life, Tia Norman (of The Blinking Line and Joy to the Table fame) shares a sampling of her views for the greater good. Pull up a cloud and have a listen.
August 28, 2018

A Mindful Chat with Cyd Crouse, Co-Founder of Meditation Studio

We recently caught up with the dynamic Cyd Crouse, technologist and co-founder of the incredibly useful app Meditation Studio. Listen as we take up meditation practice generally, as well as the development and soaring popularity of the app. And of course the West Texas of the Midwest.