Featured Podcast
A Fine Moment For Us AllTake a thrilling and mindful tour of the present moment with Micki Fine, originator of the organization Mindful Living, and discover how being present in the moment lets us fully occupy our lives and open ourselves to life’s experiences. Here’s the place for you to be. (First of two.)
Here's a quick, weekly tune-up for you to check in on today’s most useful lifestyle resources for your healthful living. Check here to be more in touch with the latest in the field of fuller integration with your preferred healthy lifestyle. We’ll help you keep your feet on the ground and moving in the right direction for your happier, longer and more fulfilling life.

The Daily Minute v.I
Good morning, wanderers and wonderers, and you know who you are. It’s another great day here at the mile-high broadcast tower and media complex of The 200 Project, and this is your Take 5 Daily Alignment. How to make sense out of ten thousand “authorities” whispering in your ear at the same time? Let us do the heavy listening for you. Here are five of today’s best in message, best in product, best in show,

The Daily Minute v.II
Good morning, all ships at sea, and you know who you are. It’s another great day here at the mile-high broadcast tower and media complex of The 200 Project, and this is Take 5 Daily Alignment. Today’s five is designed to tighten things up where they need tightening, and to loosen things up where they need loosening. Here we go: 1. Starting off today’s list with the ever-entertaining Coffee Question. Is it good for us?

The Daily Minute v.III
Good morning, one-world-is-enough-for-all-of-us, and you know who you are. It’s another great day here at the mile-high broadcast tower and media complex of The 200 Project, and this is your Take 5 Daily Alignment. Limitless information, boiled down to five that will get you going. Here we go: 1. Social engagement! Personal interaction! These might be calls to arms for a much-needed grassroots movement to ward off loneliness and isolation – no laughing matter, as
This informative blog and encouraging podcasts present fascinating views into leading thought in the field of good living, positive podcasts that will help you put more life into your life. We bring you this life improvement blog from numerous vantages and voices. Read and listen to this inspirational blog and these positive podcasts from host and guest contributors.

A Mindful Chat with Cyd Crouse, Co-Founder of Meditation Studio
We recently caught up with the dynamic Cyd Crouse, technologist and co-founder of the incredibly useful app Meditation Studio. Listen as we take up meditation practice generally, as well as the development and soaring popularity of the app. And of course the West Texas of the Midwest.

A Present For Us All
A man on a sunny bench in the park decides to be more present. He gathers his resolve, closes his eyes and begins to focus on his breathing. In comes the breath; out goes the breath; in comes the breath; he wonders if those pigeons are someone’s flock or if they’re wild; if they’re wild, he wonders if they survive on handouts only. He races to retrieve his mind as it gathers speed chasing after

Integrity and Promises
Those who have integrity, who do what they say they will do, said the sage, These are the people who can tell the future. What does it mean to keep one’s word? The question is incomplete, because keeping one’s word is a symptom, even a lesser one, of a broader quality of integrity. The old man in the small fishing village who walks the same path every morning opens his shop and prepares for the