Good morning, you-put-your-right-foot-inners, and you know who you are. It’s another great day here at the mile-high broadcast tower and media complex of The 200 Project, and this is your Take 5 Daily Alignment.
In some worlds, information like this is sold on the underground market. So here we go:
Swimming, water therapy, heck, even taking a shower. What do they all have in common besides just the water? Relaxation and health.
What do we experience when we experience happiness?
1. Here’s something worthy of careful consideration: Studies have shown that “a five-minute-a-day gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10 percent. That’s the same impact as doubling your income!” Gratitude is a great way to bring about a host of positive benefits for yourself, that all lead to greater happiness for you. Believe me when I say Thank You! Here’s an entertaining and cool list you’ll really be grateful for.
2. Sensory deprivation float tanks “aren’t a new phenomenon — they were invented back in the ’50s for research around the effects of sensory deprivation on the brain, and later studies have focused on their therapeutic benefits. Recent research suggests that floating may help relieve symptoms in people with chronic pain, anxiety and fibromyalgia, among other conditions.” And that’s before you factor in the “whoa, cool!” factor, which has to be pretty up there. Don’t just float there, read about Today’s Meena Hart Duerson’s experience void-surfing.
3. What would you do if you began to form the opinion that the product sold by the family business empire you were going to someday inherit appeared to be dramatically bad for those who consumed it? Well, if you’re John Robbins, the would-have-been heir to the Baskin-Robbins ice cream business and fortune, you make your apologies and leave to start a stellar writing career about – what else? – healthful foods and longevity. Want to guess what three elements Robbins identifies in common in the super-ager communities around the world? The diet is or is almost all plants; physical activity level is high; social connections are valued and generations show mutual respect and love. Read his book Healthy at 100, and plan for the future.
4. In Omaha’s online magazine “The Reader,” Michael Braunstein defines addiction as “when you forsake logic and quality of life in order to acquire what you think you can’t live without.” We would agree. But boy, that hits too close to home for comfort, especially when you consider a particularly rampant addiction run amok in the U.S.: our addiction to convenience. In food, physical activity and social connection, we seem to have elevated our own ease to a priority that makes us willing to suffer even tremendous consequences. Hey! Where’s the remote? Read Braunstein’s article and more here.
5. A whole foods, plant-based diet. A library full of studies demonstrate the benefits of such a diet, and they’re one of those things that you can’t un-see. Yeah, maybe this food regimen is an ideal, but we must familiarize ourselves with it, and here’s why: The closer we get, meal by meal, day by day, to a whole foods, plant-based lifestyle, the better our health will be; and we don’t have to go all-in to see our health begin to improve. This food path reduces your odds of developing heart disease, many types of cancers, lower respiratory ailments like COPD, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and kidney disease (which are seven of the top ten causes of death in the U.S., and they’ve all been shown to be directly linked to diet). Here’s a no-risk guide to help you shine a light on your path.
We’ll be back tomorrow with more curated guides to enhance your life.
Until then, be you, because without you, the universe is just the niverse.
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