A new week, with seven brand-new days, still in the packaging.
From the mile-high broadcast tower and media center, you’re listening to The 200 Project, and this is The Daily Minute.
Monday: Fast Expectations, Slow Delivery
Isn’t it hard for us to maintain healthy eating habits since we’re so addicted to immediate gratification. Read the account of her own experience with that by Jane Brody, longtime health and nutrition writer for the New York Times:
Tuesday: Boom, Baby, Boom
Who and what are these people we call the Baby Boomers? We all have Boomers we love; but whether you love them or not-so-love them, here’s an enlightening article to boost your Boomer IQ.
Wednesday: The Genetics of Obesity
And from our friends at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, this nuts-and-bolts explanation of how “healthy environments and lifestyles can counteract gene-related risks” of obesity. The bad news is we still have to do the work to be healthier; the good news is, according to this article, we can.
Thursday: Mellow Down, Go Far
Hey, you corner-office, high-energy, 80-hour-week bigwigs. Looks like what everybody else in the building knows about you was right all along: You need to schedule some nothing into your day. Check out how mindfulness meditation may be the best prep for successful executive life.
And speaking of mellow, here’s a bonus track. Quite rightly.
Friday: How do you unmake a stress sandwich?
Stress. Stress. Stress. Stress. Stress. It doesn’t take much of it to be way more than enough. Get a clear idea of the stress landscape in this quick summary, including a last section on how to react to stress in a healthy way.
We’ll see you next week. And don’t forget that your older self is out there waiting for you. Give them a healthy life.
You’ve been listening to The 200 Project, and this has been The Daily Minute.