Good morning, warblers and marblers, and you know who you are. It’s another great day here at the mile-high broadcast tower and media complex of The 200 Project, and this is your Take 5 Daily Alignment.
There’s some ground to cover, so we’ll get straight to it. Here we go:
1. Here’s a question for you: “While we know that old-fashioned social interaction is healthy, what about social interaction that is completely mediated through an electronic screen?” A good question, and a timely one. Did you ever find yourself feeling drained, down or depressed after a day of social media activity? Turns out, you’re not alone, according to this article from the Harvard Business Review. The study’s results? “While real-world social networks were positively associated with overall well-being, the use of Facebook was negatively associated with overall well-being.” Turns out that real social connectedness stands alone as the gold-standard need for our well-being. Before you give it up for good, here’s the article.
2. Want some pithy quotes about aging? Try these on for size: “To live is to age” or “You are all the ages you’ve ever been.” But much more than just a book of catchy phrases, Ashton Applewhite’s well-researched and supremely crafted work This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism is a must-read for every person who plans to live into old age, no matter their age now. Full of blunt commentary and head-slapping, “oh-yeah” recommendations, Applewhite’s book will put you in the pilot’s seat and ready to age a day at a time. Here’s a sample of her insights, plus a preview button.
3. Now, come on, be honest: Have you ever thought that telling the truth and better health were linked? Take a look at this study by psychologist Anita E. Kelly and published by the American Psychological Association. It turns out that “telling the truth when tempted to lie can significantly improve a person’s mental and physical health,” as Dr. Kelly discovered in a small study of 110 study subjects over a ten-week period. The truth is, we might have guessed. Here’s the article.
5. The optimist’s optimist says the glass is completely full: half water and half air. And according to this study of 83 scientific studies on the effects of an optimistic outlook on physical health, things are even rosier than a full glass. It turns out that there is broad agreement among these studies that, generally speaking, optimists life longer than pessimists. Not only that, optimists proved more realistic: “Far from living life with blinders on, it is optimists who confront trouble head-on while pessimists bury their heads in denial and avoidance.” I’m hopeful – no, I’m optimistic – that you’ll benefit from this article.
We’ll be back tomorrow with more curated guides to enhance your life.
Until then, be you, because you really fit the profile.
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