Another week toward your happiest life.
From the mile-high broadcast tower and media center, this is The Daily Minute.
Monday: Happiness Is …
Which country has the happiest people? Finland! A lot of good seems to be happening in those Nordic countries. It makes me happy just reading that people are so happy. Read more here.
Tuesday: Boundless Energy
Looking for the quick path to more energy in your workday? Take your minute to discover five commonsense steps toward more energy, coming your way. Click here to learn more.
Wednesday: Coffee in Finland
What’s up with Finland? Here they are again, as subjects of a small study on coffee consumption. Have we mentioned coffee yet? Of course they drink coffee in Finland! Healthy and happy, both?
Thursday: The China Study
And how about this from T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.: “Three out of four of us [who} die each year [do so] from chronic diseases that are mainly caused by following a very unhealthy diet.” Read Dr. Campbell’s foundational book, The China Study. Fasten your seatbelt.
Friday: WHO’s Report
Check out a broader view in what’s happening in the wide world of health in the World Health Organization’s World Health Report. What do you think? Do we need to do better? A lot of smart people would agree with you.
This week, remember who’s in charge of your health and happiness. Here’s a hint: It’s you.